Diplomat Hotel, Baguio, Philippines

The Diplomat Hotel in Baguio City is a popular tourist attraction in the Philippines. The old retreat house is allegedly being hunted, according to a number of local paranormal groups and ghost hunters. Many ghosts and spirits are rumored to be wandering around at this location.

Check out my visit to the Laperal White House in Baguio: Travel Guide: The Laperal White House in Baguio, Philippines

haunted philippines diplomat hotel 001 I Visited The The Diplomat Hotel - the Infamous Retreat House In Baguio City, And Here Is My Experience Baguio Travel Guide, Diplomat Hotel, Dominican Hill, Haunted Hotel, Haunted Places
Diplomat Hotel, Baguio, Philippines
Diplomat Hotel, Baguio, Philippines

The Diplomat Hotel: History

The Dominican Hill Retreat House, also known as the Diplomat Hotel, was built on a hill with a panoramic view of Baguio City in 1913. During the Japanese occupation from 1942 to 1945, it served as a safe haven for some Dominican priests and Filipino refugees. The retreat house was invaded by the Japanese secret police, known as the Kempeitai, in 1945. According to other stories, they tortured and beheaded priests, abused and murdered nuns, and ruthlessly massacred refugees, including children.

During the Philippines’ liberation in 1945, Americans bombarded the site, and the remaining Japanese police and troops committed suicide rather than being captured alive.

Diplomat Hotel, Baguio, Philippines
Diplomat Hotel, Baguio, Philippines

The corridor on the first floor and the stairs going to the second floor.

The building was renovated in 1945-1947 and was not used for a long period until it was turned into the Diplomat hotel by new owners in 1973. The hotel offers 33 rooms and has retained the majority of the original designs.

It was eventually closed down in 1987 after the manager, Antonio Agapito “Tony” Agpaoa, a faith healer and psychic surgeon, died of a heart attack at the age of 42. The deserted, deteriorating building is infamous for being one of the country’s most haunted places.

Some claim to have seen headless apparitions at night, ghosts of children racing around the fountain area, and to have heard screams, cries, beating on doors, and other strange and desperate noises.

It is now a famous location for ghost hunting, tours, and even prenup photoshoots.

Diplomat Hotel, Baguio, Philippines
Diplomat Hotel, Baguio, Philippines

Some rooms on the second floor

The Diplomat Hotel: Talk with the Security

At the foyer, I struck up a conversation with one of the security guards. When asked if he had seen anything strange throughout his shifts.

He said, “Noong una, may mga naririnig akong yapak. Parang mga bata na nagtatakbuhan sa may fountain pero ngayon, wala na. Mukhang nasanay na rin ako.”

English: Before, I could hear footsteps around the fountain area. I thought there were kids running around, but now I don’t. It appears like I’ve become used to it.

Diplomat Hotel, Baguio, Philippines
The fountain – view from the second floor

The Diplomat Hotel: My Experience

First and foremost, I am not the right person to take with you on ghost tours. If you watch Buzzfeed Unsolved and know Shane Madej – I’m his female counterpart. I’ll even scare you till you wet your pants. I’m a horrible person, I know.


I arrived late at the Diplomat Hotel and began exploring at 4:15 PM. I am not superstitious and do not believe in the paranormal. And it takes a lot to frighten me. But I have to admit that I was a little spooked out; in fact, I started mumbling profanities as I climbed to the second level. In my defense, I was the only person in the building (save for the securities who were are the lobby). The last group of visitors had finished the trip and were about to leave (see the first picture at the top). I asked the cab driver if he wanted to join me, he politely declined (he said I was his last passenger and didn’t want to bring whatever entity was in there back home). In addition, it was mildly raining and the entire area was foggy – Seems like a perfect setting for a horror movie, right?

Diplomat Hotel, Baguio, Philippines
priest and nun cutout

I went from the lobby to the rooftop. I also went through each room on the second floor and took a break – I was nibbling on Iced Gem Biscuits while I was there. Some of the rooms appeared to be used for storage, while others smelled like urine. Some portions of the building were vandalized, and I noticed a few cigarette butts on the ground as well.

However, once you reach the rooftop, you will be rewarded with an incredible panoramic view of the city.

During my trip, I didn’t experience anything frightening. I didn’t see any headless apparitions, a White Lady, or ghosts (which I wasn’t expecting). After seeing the priest and nun cutouts, I had a mini heart attack.

Diplomat Hotel, Baguio, Philippines
Second floor

The Diplomat Hotel: Final Thoughts

When visiting Baguio, I strongly recommend paying a visit to the Diplomat Hotel for thrill-seekers and history buffs. It does have a “creepy” atmosphere, but if you can look beyond it (easier said than done haha), I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Its location was a little out of the way, but it was worth it for the gorgeous view and above-average nostalgic sense you get when walking about the hotel grounds. It’d be wonderful to explore it with friends – moreover, you’ll need someone to shoot your photos, so yeah… Bring your pals with you!

There’s a lovelocks fence behind the building if you’re the hopeless-romantic kind like me. Make sure to bring your own padlock and key.

Please, do not leave garbage or wrappers lying about the area. We need to do a better job of preserving historic buildings like this because there are so few of them left.

Diplomat Hotel, Baguio, Philippines
Second Floor

How To Get To The Diplomat Hotel

Ride a jeepney by taking the ones with the Dominican-Mirador route. The terminal is at Kayang Street at the Baguio City Public Market. If you’re going to ride a jeepney, it is better to go to Diplomat Hotel first before riding a jeep to Lourdes Grotto.

Would be helpful if you will just hire a taxi to bring you there and take you back to the city as it was a little bit hard to find a jeepney going back. The fare is around 150 PHP.

Do you enjoy exploring haunted places or would you consider visiting one? What are some of your city or country’s most popular haunted locations? Please share it with us in the comments!

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Diplomat Hotel

Polly Amora

Polly Amora is the señorita behind GoldenIslandSenorita.Net. A corporate warrior by day, and a perpetual explorer by heart. She is a lifelong learner who is very outgoing, speaks four languages, loud & outspoken, and loves to have adventures in the mountains, on the beach, and in the city. You can throw her anywhere, and she'll handle it like a pro. Ice cream and bourbon are two of her weaknesses.


  1. Adventures with Shelby

    This looks super creepy but also fun!

  2. I have definitely got to check that place out next time my Filipina and I visit the Philippines. Tnx for sharing…

  3. Hang Around The World

    It’s so cool to know the history behind a monument even if in this case you’re talking about an hotel. Philippines are a place I’ve never visited so the day I’ll be there I have to visit it too. Thanks for the share. – Paolo

  4. Ha, i don’t think I’m the best person for a ghost tour either. I think I’d be a bit to scared to go. It’s ideal for anyone that likes to be scared especially as you said it has a creepy atmosphere.

  5. It’s all so dark and spooky, but this gives even more charm to this place!

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