The Russian language is, without a doubt, one of the most fascinating languages to learn! It’s the native tongue of some of the world’s greatest authors, artists, musicians, scientists, and filmmakers. After reading incredible masterpieces like Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment and Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, I couldn’t wait to experience them in the original Russian language!
For those who don’t speak it, the Russian language might seem a bit confusing at first. With its unique alphabet and the fact that words aren’t pronounced exactly as they’re written, it can feel both thrilling and intimidating for Russian language beginners. Plus, it’s one of the few remaining Slavic languages, making it a truly special language to master. But here’s the exciting part—learning the Russian language is incredibly rewarding! Whether you’re fascinated by the rich cultural history or the beauty of its literature, there are so many amazing reasons to dive into the Russian language. Trust me, it’s a journey worth taking!
Learning the Russian Language, My Journey
I’m absolutely obsessed with language learning! I speak three foreign languages and three Filipino dialects, but what really got me hooked on Russian was the FIFA World Cup. When it was announced in 2014 that Russia would host the 2018 World Cup, I was beyond excited—I even bought a copy of Russian For Dummies the very next day because I was determined to visit Russia!
To kick things off, I dove into YouTube courses and started reading Russian translations, but self-teaching Russian can be tough. So in 2015, I decided to take it to the next level and hired a private Russian instructor. We worked together for several weeks, and while I don’t claim to be fluent yet, I’m proud to say I can get by with a pretty solid accent. It’s been such an exciting journey learning Russian, and I’m loving every minute of it.
And, yeah, I finally read Anna Karenina in Russian in 2018!
Interesting Facts About the Russian Language
- The Russian language (руcский язык) is the most widely spoken language in all of Eurasia, and it’s the largest of all European native languages. When it comes to Slavic languages, the Russian language stands tall as the most spoken of them all!
- Every year, on June 6th, the world celebrates Russian Language Day to honor the Russian language, which is the eighth most spoken language globally, with approximately 154 million native speakers. This day also pays tribute to Aleksandr Pushkin, the famous Russian poet, who is considered the father of modern Russian literature.
- The Russian language is written using the Cyrillic script, which has 33 characters. Within this fascinating script, you’ll find 10 vowels, 21 consonants, and 2 letters that are silent. Russian’s unique structure makes it an exciting challenge for anyone learning the language.
- Russian is one of the six official languages of the United Nations and is on par with English, Chinese, and Spanish as a major world language. It is the official language in four countries: Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan. So, no matter where you go in these countries, the Russian language will be there to connect you with millions of people!
- Learning the Russian language is known to be a challenge. According to the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), it’s categorized as a Category IV language, meaning it’s considered more difficult to learn, just like Arabic, Cantonese, and Korean. Expect to dedicate about 44 weeks of full-time study to truly master the Russian language.
- And here’s something really cool: it’s compulsory for all astronauts on the International Space Station to learn Russian! So, the Russian language isn’t just for Earth—it’s truly the international language of space!
- In Russian culture, there are many ways to address someone in the Russian language depending on your emotional connection to them. This means that when speaking Russian, you’ll find numerous terms of endearment and variations to convey your feelings to loved ones.
- Now, if you’re trying to type in Russian, you’ll notice that the Russian keyboard layout is quite different from the typical QWERTY layout. It can seem tricky at first, but don’t worry! You don’t have to buy a special Russian keyboard—you can easily switch your settings to the Russian keyboard layout and start typing in Russian symbols in no time!
- The Russian language is a treasure trove of rich culture, history, and linguistic beauty. Whether you’re fascinated by the script, the literary giants, or the global importance of Russian, there’s no shortage of reasons to fall in love with this incredible language!
Russian Language: Common Expressions and Greetings
English | Russian | Pronunciation |
Hello (Formal Usage) | Здра́вствуйте | zdrav-stvoo-tye |
Hi (Informal Usage) | Приве́т | preev-yet |
Good Day, Hello | До́брый День | doh-bry dzyen’ |
Good Evening | До́брый ве́чер | doh-bry vyecher |
Good Bye (General use/more formal) | До свида́ния | duh-svee-dah-nya |
Please/You’re Welcome | Пожа́луйста | pah-zhahl-stah |
Thank You | Спаси́бо | spah-see-bah |
Excuse me… | Извини́те | eez-vee-nee-tye |
My name is… | Меня́ зову́т | meen-yah zah-voot… |
Pleased to meet you (lit. “it is very pleasant”) | О́чень прия́тно | oh-chen’ pree-yaht-nah |
Russian Language: Useful Questions
English | Russian | Pronunciation |
Do you speak English? | Вы зна́ете англи́йский? | vi znah-yeh-tye an-glee-skee |
How are you doing? | Как дела́? | kahk dze-la? |
Would you help me, please? | Не могли бы вы мне, помочь? | Ne mogli by vy mne pomoch’? |
What is your name? | Как вас зову́т? | kahk vas zah-voot |
What time is it? | Cко́лько вре́мени? | skohl-kuh vreh-meh-nee? |
What is the weather like (when asking about the weather for today) | Какая сегодня погода? | kah-KAH-yah see-VOHD-nyah pah-GOH-dah |
How much is this? | Сколько это стоит? | Skol’ka eto stoeet |
Where can I find a …? | Где можно найти …? | Gde mozhna naytee …? |
Where is the toilet? | скажите пожалуйста, где туалет? | Skazhite pozhalusta, gde toalet? |
Do you have any …? | Есть ли у Вас…? | Est’ lee oo vas |
Could you speak more slowly? | Говорите, пожалуйста, медленнее | Gavareetye pazhalooysta myedleeney |
Could you repeat that, please? | Не могли бы вы повторить пожалуйста? | Ne moglee buv vee pah-ftah-REE-tyeh pah-ZHA-loo-stah? |
Russian Language: Days of the Week
English | Russian | Pronunciation |
Monday | понедельник | puh-nee-DYEHL’-neek |
Tuesday | вторник | FTOHR-neek |
Wednesday | среда | sree-DAH |
Thursday | четверг | cheet-VYEHRK |
Friday | пятница | PYAHT-nee-tsuh |
Saturday | суббота | soo-BOH-tuh |
Sunday | воскресенье | vuhs-kree-SYEHN’-yeh |
Russian Language: Months of the Year
English | Russian | Pronunciation |
January | январь | yeen-VAHR’ |
February | февраль | fee-VRAHL’ |
March | март | mahrt |
April | апрель | ah-PRYEHL’ |
May | май | mahy |
June | июнь | ee-YOON’ |
July | июль | ee-YOOL’ |
August | август | AHV-goost |
September | сентябрь | seen-TYAHBR’ |
October | октябрь | ahk-TYAHBR’ |
November | ноябрь | nah-YAHBR’ |
December | декабрь | dee-KAHBR’ |
I hope you find the lists helpful. до встречи (until next time)!

You did a nice thing by learning a new language. I am sure this post will be helpful to those willing to learn Russian.
I am planning to download Dualingo to learn Spanish because it will help me in future travels. But I will try to learn Russian too sometime in future.
I always thought that Russian is one of the tough languages to learn. Currently, I am learning Nihongo, and having a refresher of my Spanish language.
Very interesting, I am just starting to relearn spanish but I have always wanted to branch out to speak as many languages as possible.
I used to work with Russians and I learned a bit of the language. I can write the letters but I must say I find the language so difficult.