Visa Guides Tips & Resources

JAPAN VISA APPLICATION FORM (For Tourists): A Step-by-Step Guide on How To Fill Out the Form + Savvy Tips + Expenses

Japan Visa Application Form (For Tourists): A Step-by-Step Guide on How To Fill Out the Form + Savvy Tips + Expenses

Japan, with its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cities, is a dream destination for many travelers. However, before you can embark on your Japanese adventure, you’ll need to navigate the process of completing the Japan Visa Application Form. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through each step of the process, ensuring that you have all the information you need to successfully fill out the form and obtain your visa.

Below is the Visa Application Form to Enter Japan, which can be downloaded here.

japan visa application form 002 JAPAN VISA APPLICATION FORM (For Tourists): A Step-by-Step Guide on How To Fill Out the Form + Savvy Tips + Expenses Japanese Visa Application
  1. Start the application process well in advance to allow for any unexpected delays.
  2. Ensure all information provided is accurate and matches your supporting documents.
  3. Provide clear and concise answers, avoiding unnecessary elaboration.
  4. Use black or blue ink and write legibly. Use block text not in cursive. Use CAPITAL LETTERS when possible.
  5. If the item is not applicable to you, please fill the space provided with N/A or NONE. Avoid leaving any blanks.
  6. Be truthful in your application, as providing false information can lead to visa rejection or future travel restrictions.
  7. Follow any specific formatting or instructions provided on the application form.
  8. It is advisable not to book any flights or accommodations before applying for a Japan Visa, as there could be delays or rejections in the visa processing.
  9. It is not obligatory to reserve the same plane tickets/flights or accommodation that you indicated on the Japan Visa Application form.
  10. Maintain a polite and respectful tone throughout the application process.

The first step in applying for a visa to enter Japan is to obtain the official Japan Visa Application Form. You can download this form from the website of the Japanese embassy or consulate in your country, or you can obtain a hard copy from their office.

Before you begin filling out the form, take the time to carefully read through all of the instructions provided. These instructions will outline the requirements for completing the form and provide guidance on how to fill it out correctly.

japan visa application form 001 aa JAPAN VISA APPLICATION FORM (For Tourists): A Step-by-Step Guide on How To Fill Out the Form + Savvy Tips + Expenses Japanese Visa Application
  • Size: 45×35mm(2×1.4in)
  • Background: White
  • Do not use staples when attaching your photo to your visa application form.

In the personal information section of the form, you’ll be asked to provide details such as your full name, date of birth, nationality, gender, and marital status. Make sure to fill in this information accurately and legibly.

Surname & Given Name: The name you wrote on the application form must match the name written on your travel document/passport.
Other names:

Date of Birth: 11/07/1988. Please write your date of birth in this format: DAY, MONTH,YEAR.
Place of Birth: Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines. Please write your date of birth in this format: CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, COUNTRY.

Sex: Choose which option applies placing a check mark (/)in the box.
Marital Status: Choose which option applies placing a check mark (/)in the box.

Nationality or Citizenship: If you are a citizen of the Philippines, you would write Philippines or Filipino in that space. Make sure to accurately reflect your citizenship or nationality as per your official travel documents.
Former and/or other nationalities of citizenships: List any nationalities or citizenships you have held previously or currently hold, if applicable. If you have never held any other nationality or citizenship, you can simply write N/A or None in that space. If you have had multiple nationalities or citizenships, list them accordingly, ensuring accuracy and completeness.

  • This refers to any government-issued identification number aside from your passport number.

You can refer to this article to view the list of government-issued identification cards and documents in the Philippines:
Complete List Of Valid IDs and Documents Accepted in the Philippines

You’ll need to provide details about your passport, including your passport number, date of issue, and expiry date. It’s important to ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay in Japan.

  • Diplomatic: Reserved for diplomats and government officials traveling on official business.
  • Official: Issued to individuals representing their government in an official capacity, other than diplomats.
  • Ordinary: The standard passport type issued to citizens for general travel purposes.
  • Other: May include special or restricted passport types issued for specific purposes or circumstances, such as emergency passports or refugee travel documents.

Passport No.: Write the full passport number that is indicated on your passport document.
Place of Issue: Write the location where your passport was issued. This typically refers to the city or town where the passport issuing authority is located.

Date of Issue: Write the date when your passport was issued. This information can typically be found on the identification page of your passport.
Date of Expiry: Write the date when your passport was issued. This information can typically be found on the identification page of your passport.

Issuing Authority: Write the name of the government agency or authority that issued your passport. Example: Mine was “DFA NCR South” since the passport was applied in Alabang.
Certificate of Eligibility No.: The Certificate of Eligibility (COE) number is a unique identifier assigned to the Certificate of Eligibility document issued by the Immigration Services Agency of Japan. If not applicable, simply write N/A or NONE.

Visa Application Form to Enter Japan: A Step-by-Step Guide on How To Fill Out the Form

Purpose of Visit To Japan/Status of Residence: If it’s for vacation, simply put TOURISM or VACATION.
Intended Length of Stay in Japan: Write the duration of your planned stay in Japan. This can be specified in terms of the number of days or months you intend to stay in the country.
Date of Arrival in Japan: write the date when you plan to arrive in Japan. Provide the specific date you intend to enter the country.

Port of Entry Into Japan: Write the name of the airport, seaport, or other entry point in Japan where you plan to arrive.
Name of Ship or Airline: Write the name of the ship or airline carrier that you will be using for your journey to Japan. Provide the full and accurate name of the ship or airline. If traveling by air, you can write the name of the airline. If traveling by sea, you can write the name of the ship.

  • Name: Write the name of the hotel or the individual(s) with whom you intend to stay.
  • Address: Write the complete address of the hotel or the residence where you will be staying.
  • Telephone No.: Provide the telephone number of the hotel or the contact person if available.


  • Booking accommodation before applying for a Japanese Visa is not obligatory, as there may be potential delays or rejections in the visa process. Consider searching for accommodation online through platforms such as Google or Agoda.
  • It is not necessary to book the same hotel or Airbnb that you wrote on the application form.
  • Provide information about any previous visits you have made to Japan. Specifically, you should include the dates of your previous stays in Japan and the duration of each stay. This information helps the authorities assess your travel history to Japan. This is particularly useful in situations where you have lost your passport containing your expired Japanese Visa.
  • For first time travelers, simple write N/A or NONE.
  • Address: Write your complete current residential address, including street or building number, city or town, postal code, and country.
  • Telephone No.: Provide your telephone number, including the country and area code, if applicable.
  • Mobile No.: Provide your mobile phone number, including the country and area code, if applicable.
  • E-Mail: Provide your email address.

Current Profession or Occupation and Position: Write your current profession or occupation and your position within that profession or occupation.

  • Name: Provide the name of the company you work for or your employer.
  • Address: Fill in the address of the company where you are employed.
  • Tel.: Provide the telephone number of the company where you are employed
  • Write the profession or occupation of your partner. If your partner is currently employed, provide details of their job title or position. If your partner is not employed, you can write N/A in that space.
Visa Application Form to Enter Japan: A Step-by-Step Guide on How To Fill Out the Form

The “guarantor” when applying for a Visa Application Form to Enter Japan is usually a Japanese national or a foreign resident of Japan who provides a guarantee for the applicant’s stay in Japan. This person typically ensures the applicant’s financial support and may be required to submit supporting documents to the immigration authorities. The guarantor’s role is to vouch for the applicant’s intentions and conduct during their time in Japan.

  • Name: Write the full name of your guarantor or reference.
  • Tel.: Provide the telephone number of your guarantor or reference, including the country and area code if applicable.
  • Address: Write the complete address of your guarantor or reference in Japan.
  • Date of Birth: Provide the date of birth of your guarantor or reference.
  • Sex: Indicate the gender of your guarantor or reference.
  • Relationship to Applicant: Describe the relationship between you and your guarantor or reference.
  • Profession or Occupation and Position: Specify the profession or occupation and the position of your guarantor or reference.
  • Nationality and Immigrating Status: Write the nationality and immigration status of your guarantor or reference.
  • Name: If the guarantor is also the inviter, simply write SAME AS ABOVE. If not applicable, please write N/A or NONE.
  • Tel.: If the guarantor is also the inviter, simply write SAME AS ABOVE. If not applicable, please write N/A or NONE.
  • Address: If the guarantor is also the inviter, simply write SAME AS ABOVE. If not applicable, please write N/A or NONE.
  • Date of Birth: If the guarantor is also the inviter, simply write SAME AS ABOVE. If not applicable, please write N/A or NONE.
  • Sex: If the guarantor is also the inviter, simply write SAME AS ABOVE. If not applicable, please write N/A or NONE.
  • Relationship to Applicant: If the guarantor is also the inviter, simply write SAME AS ABOVE. If not applicable, please write N/A or NONE.
  • Profession or Occupation and Position: If the guarantor is also the inviter, simply write SAME AS ABOVE. If not applicable, please write N/A or NONE.
  • Nationality and Immigrating Status: If the guarantor is also the inviter, simply write SAME AS ABOVE. If not applicable, please write N/A or NONE.
japan visa application form 001 da JAPAN VISA APPLICATION FORM (For Tourists): A Step-by-Step Guide on How To Fill Out the Form + Savvy Tips + Expenses Japanese Visa Application

Please indicate the applicable option by placing a check mark (/) in the box provided.

  • been convicted of a crime or offence in any country?
  • been sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year or more in any country?
  • been deported or removed from Japan or any country for overstaying your visa or violating
  • any law or regulation?
  • been convicted and sentenced for a drug offence in any country in violation of law
  • concerning narcotics, marijuana, opium, stimulants or psychotropic substances?**
  • engaged in prostitution, or in the intermediation or solicitation of a prostitute for other persons, or in the provision of a place for prostitution, or any other activity directly connected to prostitution?
  • committed trafficking in persons or incited or aided another to commit such an offence?
  • Provide a concise and relevant detail regarding the “Yes” response on the statements above.
  • If the item is not applicable, please write N/A or NONE.

Date of Application: Write the date when you are submitting or filling out the application form. This is the date when you are officially applying for the visa in this format: DAY, MONTH,YEAR.
Signature of Applicant: You should physically sign your name. This signature serves as your confirmation and agreement to the information provided in the application form.

Before you submit your application, take the time to review all of the information you’ve provided to ensure that it’s accurate and complete. Double-check for any errors in spelling, dates, or other details.

Make sure you have all of the necessary supporting documents to accompany your application, such as passport photos, flight itineraries, hotel reservations, financial statements, and invitation letters.

Submit your completed Japan Visa Application form along with all of the required documents to the appropriate embassy or consulate. Follow any specific instructions regarding submission methods and processing fees.

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Polly Amora

Polly Amora is the señorita behind GoldenIslandSenorita.Net. A corporate warrior by day, and a perpetual explorer by heart. She is a lifelong learner who is very outgoing, speaks four languages, loud & outspoken, and loves to have adventures in the mountains, on the beach, and in the city. You can throw her anywhere, and she'll handle it like a pro. Ice cream and bourbon are two of her weaknesses.

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