why you should travel alone

10 Reasons Why You Should Travel Alone At Least Once in Your Life

Although it is wonderful to spend vacations seeing the world with family, friends, or your significant other, traveling alone can also be completely incredible. It doesn’t matter if it’s a trip to a nearby city or traveling to another country.

I have to admit, it can be quite daunting but think of it this way: you only have a limited amount of time and money to spend on vacation, so why not tailor it to your preferences to maximize your satisfaction? If that’s not enough to convince you, here are 10 reasons why you should travel alone at least once in your life.

#1. You become more open-minded.

You will stagnate if you live your life blocked off to fresh ideas. open-mindedness helps individuals grow because it opens you up to new possibilities, people, and outcomes. It will allow you to discover your own beliefs, emotions, and interactions in a positive way. You become more inclined to take part in things that you might not have before. You become more adventurous.

#2. It’s easier to make it happen and actually get moving.

Nothing is more disheartening than plans that fail to materialize. This happens sometimes when we organize trips with other people. Something unexpected comes up at the last minute, leaving you with little option except to reschedule or adjust your plans.

#3. You become more independent.

When you are in a new place you are forced to make decisions for yourself. From deciding where to have breakfast to deciding whether or not to go scuba diving. You are also forced to figure out how to get to your destination safely. You are your responsibility.

#4. You are the master of your itinerary.

Being with other people may result in having so many options and a great deal of confusion.  Everyone has their own opinions, and preferences.  You may want to go hiking up a mountain, others in the group may not. When traveling alone, you can do anything you want whenever you want, with no need for permission or to compromise. You do you. Whatever you plan to do will happen, when you decide to push through. Furthermore, when you travel solo, you have the freedom to quench your curiosity and you get to travel at your own pace.

#5. You develop better communication skills.

Even if you are the most extroverted person on the planet, you will feel anxious when approaching people. But at some point, you’ll want to strike up a conversation with that stranger on the bus or the surfer who caught that incredible wave. Besides, it’s the locals in a destination know the best places to eat and the best spots to watch the sunset.

#6. You meet really awesome people.

Traveling alone might be unnerving but will you choose to be lonely and miserable the entire time?  Only if you want to be.  Interacting with strangers wherever you go means you’ll hear a lot of fascinating stories that you wouldn’t have heard if you took a company with you because you’ll most likely keep with them most of the time. Even National Geographic agrees.

#7. You will pick up basic foreign words as you travel.

As someone who enjoys learning languages or dialects, this is my favorite part of traveling. The ability to read a sign or ask for directions can turn a near-disaster into an enjoyable travel experience. You become more culturally conscious of your surroundings. And, for me, talking in someone’s native language allows for genuine interaction, and, perhaps, genuine connection.

#8. Finding comfort in being uncomfortable. 

You live in an invisible box, whether you’re aware of it or not. It’s also known as your comfort zone, and it limits your life. Staying in your comfort zone seems to be the sensible thing to do. That’s why we don’t even question it.  We create the zone and try our hardest to stay in it. Your opinions are not challenged, and you are not exposed to new things, but you will be surprised to find that what you find outside of your comfort zone is often what you are now missing in your life.

#9. You learn to live with less.

I’m referring about what you pack on your trips as well as your budget. When you choose to pack light, your life on the road becomes much easier. It allows you to travel easily through airports, public transportation, crowds, and harsh and steep terrain. Don’t be tempted to get a suitcase that’s slightly too big because you will fill that space with unnecessary items – this is why I usually travel with a backpack. It will force you to pare down your belongings to the necessities. You’ll be a happier traveler than those who saddle themselves with their entire wardrobe.

You’ve worked hard, saved money, and are now you’re all set to explore the world.  The “anything goes” spirit that is so intoxicating during a trip may turn a bit… toxic afterwards (especially when you see your credit card bills), which is why you must set a budget. Carry a notebook or download an app to help you keep track of your expenses. It will be almost impossible to stick with your budget when you don’t write it down. 

Instead of hiring a private car to explore a city, why not take the public transportation? They are not only less expensive than cabs or tourist buses, but they can also be quite fun. And what about the food? Skip the tourist traps and go where the people go for authentic local cuisine at a reasonable price. It’s exciting to try new things, and you’ll have a wonderful travel story to tell when you return home.

#10. Your experience will be more meaningful.

These experiences can shape your personality. Instead of just seeing, I enjoy talking to locals and experiencing a place through them rather than just visiting tourist sites. Traveling always introduces you to a new world. You learn about different cuisines, cultures, and traditions, as well as meet new people. It contributes to your self-development and allows you to learn far more than any class could ever teach you. Among all of this, you discover a new you. Some hidden talents and habits that you were unaware of may emerge, leaving you wondering whether you ever had them.

Have you tried traveling alone? How was the experience? What are the things that you learned? If not, would you consider traveling on your own in the future? ❤

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Polly Amora

Polly Amora is the señorita behind GoldenIslandSenorita.Net. A corporate warrior by day, and a perpetual explorer by heart. She is a lifelong learner who is very outgoing, speaks four languages, loud & outspoken, and loves to have adventures in the mountains, on the beach, and in the city. You can throw her anywhere, and she'll handle it like a pro. Ice cream and bourbon are two of her weaknesses.


  1. Travelling on your own at least once can certainly help with your confidence. However travelling with two or more certainly means safety in numbers.

  2. When I was single, traveling alone was such an experience. I totally agree that you should experience to travel just by yourself at least once in your life. It’s an unforgettable experience.

  3. I think that traveling alone will reinforce to anyone that he/she CAN DO IT, CAN CONQUER the world. It’s all about self-reliance, and it is so empowering!

  4. Soooooo so much yes. My husband and I have been living abroad for a few years. Last year we both took solo trips and I think it was so valuable. 🙂

  5. I always travel alone most of the time due to the reason above. I love it!

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