Cheers to Culture and Kindness: 10 Friendly Etiquette in the Philippines

Cheers to Culture and Kindness: A Guide to Basic Etiquette in the Philippines

Whether it’s your first time in the Philippines or you’ve been here a few times before, understanding the local culture is key to making a good impression. The people of the Philippines are almost always friendly and hospitable, but there are some etiquette you should be aware of to avoid any potential awkwardness.

In this article, we’ll talk about the 10 most important friendly etiquette that you should keep in mind when you’re in the Philippines. From local greetings to respectful body language, these tips will help ensure you don’t accidentally offend anyone during your stay. So let’s dive right into it!

Greeting With a Smile: Welcoming Visitors

If you’re traveling to the Philippines, an important cultural element you need to understand is the greeting etiquette! When meeting someone new, a smile is welcomed and warmly returned. It’s also traditional to greet a person with respect—using titles such as Mister, Misses, or Ma’am—while shaking hands.

To further emphasize the welcoming atmosphere that usually accompanies greetings in the Philippines, other friendly gestures are often used. The most widely accepted gesture is a slight bow of the head while touching your right hand over your heart. This is usually done while saying “Kumusta?” which translates roughly to “How are you?”.

Along with this gesture come some other customs; such as opening doors for your elders, or offering to help them if needed. Additionally, it’s polite to let your elders enter first into any space—as it demonstrates deference and respect. With basic knowledge of these traditions, you’ll be able to make a great first impression in the Philippines!

Show Respect by Using Titles

When visiting the Philippines, it’s important to show respect by using titles. In the Philippines, individuals are addressed based on their relationship to you. It’s polite to use terms such as “Sir” or “Ma’am” when speaking to any adult, and titles such as “Tita” (aunt) or “Lola” (grandmother) when speaking to family members or close relatives. Additionally, it is important to refer to someone by their full name instead of using just their first name, unless they have given you permission to do so. Offering a handshake and a smile is also a must!

Taking Off Shoes While Entering Homes

When you are visiting someone’s home, it is important to take off your shoes before you enter. Not only is this a polite gesture, but it’s also a sign of respect. In some parts of the Philippines, this is a very important tradition and part of Filipino culture.

Moreover, taking off your shoes helps keep the house clean. Shoes can track dirt, mud, dust and other debris in from the outside, and no one wants to walk around on a dirty floor. Taking off your shoes also saves time cleaning up the mess later!

It is not always necessary to take off your shoes (for example, if you are wearing flip flops or sandals). But it’s always a good idea to ask before entering someone’s home if they would like their guests to remove their shoes. This shows cultural awareness and will make you more welcome wherever you go in the Philippines.

Offering Food & Drinks as a Guest

Indeed, there is nothing as hospitable and welcoming in the Philippines as a feast. As a guest, you can take great pleasure in being offered food and drinks by your Filipino hosts.

Respect the Culture

It is important to keep in mind that Filipino culture places great importance on hospitality and respect, so it is expected of you to accept whatever is offered to you graciously. Even if you are not hungry or thirsty it is always polite to at least try some of the food and drinks being served.

Give Gifts

If you are invited over for dinner, it would be something special if you brought along a small gift for your host. It could be some chocolates, flowers or even something homemade like a cake or cookies. The gesture would be greatly appreciated by your hosts as it shows respect and appreciation for their generous hospitality towards you.

You can also give gifts after dinner to show your appreciation and form a solid bond with your hosts. They will surely appreciate it if they know that they have made a positive impression on you.

Giving the Elderly Priority

It’s important to give the elderly in the Philippines respect and priority, especially if you’re going to be a guest in their home. This is an essential part of Filipino etiquette, and something they take very seriously.

Giving the elderly priority is especially important when it comes to basic needs. For example, if there’s food or water, they should be given first choice before the younger people. This is done out of respect for their age and wisdom which has been accumulated over the years.

In addition, you should:

  • Stand up when someone older than you enters a room
  • Address them as “po” or “opo” for older males and “manong/manang” for older females
  • Allow them to serve themselves first with food and drinks
  • Greet them with a handshake followed by a slight bow of your head
  • Make time for them to talk; be patient and attentive
  • Respect their opinions even if you don’t agree

These are just some of the friendly etiquette Filipinos follow when interacting with their elders. It can be daunting for foreigners at first, but learning these customs will help build relationships and show respect for cultural norms in Filipino society.

Avoid Discussing Politics & Religion

Whenever you’re in the Philippines, it’s important to note that it’s generally considered impolite to talk about politics or religion. In fact, it can be seen as socially unacceptable when engaging in conversations with local people. The reason for this is because politics and religion can be highly charged topics, full of strong opinions and perspectives, so it’s best to avoid them altogether.

It’s okay to acknowledge the diverse beliefs and religions present throughout the country, but if you’re ever invited into someone’s home, avoid talking about these topics for the sake of politeness. It’s also a good idea to do your research on any political or religious references you might make by accident — even the smallest comment can give offense in some families and communities.

So while visiting the Philippines, keep these points in mind:

  • Politics and religion should generally be avoided when conversing with locals
  • Do your research on any references you make – they may unintentionally offend some people
  • Show respect for all beliefs – even if you don’t agree or understand

Impressions Count – Dress Appropriately

When traveling to the Philippines, it is important to be mindful of the way you dress. The way you look will be the first impression that people get of you and a good first impression is essential.

In most parts of the Philippines, it is considered polite to dress modestly and conservatively. Avoid wearing revealing clothing or clothing with offensive slogans or images. It is also important to dress in a respectful manner when visiting places of worship, as they often require covered shoulders, long-sleeved shirts, skirts and pants that cover your ankles.

Suitable dress sense also involves colors: avoid bright colors like red and yellow when visiting remote rural areas—they can be associated with funerals. In cities and towns, however, these colors are more acceptable as they are seen as vibrant and fashionable.

It’s always good practice to ask around to get an idea of how you should dress in different areas, especially if you’re visiting for a special event such as a wedding or feast day celebration. Dressing appropriately will help ensure that you make a positive impression with those around you!

Comply With ‘No Smoking’ Rules

One thing that’s really important to know about Filipino etiquette is the fact that smoking is generally prohibited indoors. You’ll see ashtrays on most restaurant and cafe tables, but this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s okay to smoke inside. Before lighting up, make sure you check with the staff to see if it’s allowed.

If you do happen to encounter someone smoking in an enclosed space, make sure you politely point out that it’s not allowed. There are certain no smoking laws in the Philippines, and informing someone about them could help prevent a potential fine for them or for the establishment.

You should also be aware of where it is acceptable to smoke. It’s normal for people in the Philippines to smoke outdoors or on balconies of residential buildings and hotels. Smoking is usually not allowed in elevators, beaches, parks, hospitals, or churches since there are usually signs posted reminding people that these areas are smoke-free zones.

So before lighting your cigarette or cigar in public, always be sure to check the laws and regulations regarding smoking in your area. That way you can enjoy your cigarette without getting into any trouble!

Control Your Voice Volume

You may be surprised to hear that controlling your voice volume is one of the most important friendly etiquette in the Philippines. Whether you are in a business setting, having dinner with a new acquaintance, or walking down the street, it is important to ensure that you are not being too loud.

While it may be considered normal in some cultures to talk loudly and laugh uproariously, this is considered rude and impolite in the Philippines. The locals prefer a softer voice, as they believe that speaking too loud shows lack of respect and courtesy toward others.

Be aware of your surroundings

When you are in the presence of locals, be aware of your volume and any sensitivities they may have regarding noise levels. Pay attention to your environment and adjust accordingly; if you find yourself in a library or religious setting where conversation needs to be kept to a minimum, keep your voices low or silent.

Use friendly body language

Apart from controlling your voice volume, use other friendly body language so that Filipinos can understand that you’re trying your best to follow their customs. A polite smile on your face or an earnest nod could help in conveying your message without needing to speak too loudly.

So remember: when engaging with Filipinos, lower your tone and use appropriate body language—it will go far in creating positive relationships!

Use Thank Yous & Apologies Appropriately

One of the most important friendly etiquette to remember when traveling in the Philippines is to thank people for their hospitality. Saying “Thank you” and “I’m sorry” are common polite phrases when interacting with others, so remember to use those two phrases appropriately.

Using “Thank you” is the most common way of expressing appreciation. When you receive a gift, purchase an item, or get invited to do something; it’s polite to thank the person who has done such courtesy. Express your thanks in a genuine manner, using “Maraming salamat po” (many thanks) or “Salamat po” (thanks).

Saying sorry is also considered polite, even for minor things—like accidentally bumping into someone or taking too long checking out at the market. Small mistakes like these can be forgiven with just one phrase: “Pasensiya na po” (I apologize). Saying this phrase will show that you acknowledge your mistake and mean it.

arrow Filipino For Beginners: The Must-Know Basic Phrases and Pronunciation


All in all, following good etiquette in the Philippines is a great way to make sure your visit is filled with positive experiences and happy memories. While this is by no means an exhaustive list, it’s a good starting point for making sure you show respect and appreciation for the people and culture that you encounter.

It can be intimidating to stumble into an unfamiliar culture, but learning about and adhering to the etiquette of a place can make all the difference in the world. This way, you can follow the customs of the place and avoid any potential cultural faux pas. So take some time to explore the Philippine culture, and have fun with the friendly etiquette!

Polly Amora

Polly Amora is the señorita behind GoldenIslandSenorita.Net. A corporate warrior by day, and a perpetual explorer by heart. She is a lifelong learner who is very outgoing, speaks four languages, loud & outspoken, and loves to have adventures in the mountains, on the beach, and in the city. You can throw her anywhere, and she'll handle it like a pro. Ice cream and bourbon are two of her weaknesses.

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