Capernaum, Israel - The Town of Jesus

Capernaum is a biblical village in northern Israel’s Galilee. It is located close to other significant Christian sites in Israel. The Jordan River, Tabgha, Bethsaida, the Mount of Beatitudes, and Tiberias on the northern coast of the Sea of Galilee are a few of these. Where Capernaum once existed, there is now a town called Kfar Nahum (Talhum in Arabic). Every year, hundreds of tourists and pilgrims from all over the world visit the site.

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We visited Capernaum during our trip to Israel and were immensely inspired. We learned during a guided tour that here is where Jesus lived for a while with the apostle Peter’s mother-in-law. The chance to walk where Christ walked two thousand years ago is incredible and one-of-a-kind, and it should not be passed up. Viewing the remnants and ruins of the old town gives a whole different perspective on how Our Lord and the people of His day lived. It’s not like the classic pictures and mental images you might recall from elementary school. After exploring the lanes of Capernaum’s ruins, even the most ordinary individual may feel closer to and have a deeper grasp of the New Testament and Christ’s life.

Capernaum in Israel, the Town of Jesus

Brief History of Capernaum

Caperneum, also known as Kfar Nahum, was a significant Galilean fishing community and a bustling economic hub. This location is of particular interest to Christians because to its frequent mention in the life of Jesus Christ. Peter, Andrew, James, and John were also residents. It played a distinct and significant role in Christ’s life and ministry, as well as his outreach to the people of Israel. The people of Capernaum, including a number of high-ranking citizens, were given unique and plentiful opportunity to hear Jesus Christ’s message firsthand.

Capernaum in Israel, the Town of Jesus

The Synagogue

This synagogue’s history is debatable, but it is clearly later than the first century. Excavations have unearthed a synagogue from the time of Jesus, with walls 4 feet thick and fashioned of worked stone.

Capernaum in Israel, the Town of Jesus
Capernaum in Israel, the Town of Jesus
Capernaum in Israel, the Town of Jesus

The early walls were preserved up to three feet high, and the whole western wall still stands and served as the basis for the later synagogue.

Capernaum in Israel, the Town of Jesus

The House of Peter

Excavations uncovered one residence that stood out from the others. This home attracted early Christian attention, as evidenced by 2nd century graffiti and a 4th century house church built above it. Above this, in the 5th century, a large octagonal Byzantine church with a baptistery was constructed. Pilgrims referred to this as the Apostle Peter’s House.

Capernaum in Israel, the Town of Jesus
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Foundations of octagonal 5th-century church, visible through a glass floor
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capernaum israel 013 CAPERNAUM, ISRAEL: Everything You NEED to Know Before You Go Capernaum, Holy Land, Israel, Israel Travel Guide, Travel, Travel Guide, Travel Israel


Northern shores of the Sea of Galilee, on road 87
HOURS: Daily 08:00 AM -5:00 PM.

Polly Amora

Polly Amora is the señorita behind GoldenIslandSenorita.Net. A corporate warrior by day, and a perpetual explorer by heart. She is a lifelong learner who is very outgoing, speaks four languages, loud & outspoken, and loves to have adventures in the mountains, on the beach, and in the city. You can throw her anywhere, and she'll handle it like a pro. Ice cream and bourbon are two of her weaknesses.


  1. Amazing!! Thanks for sharing! Always love hearing about other’s experiences in Israel 🙂

  2. I have not been there, but my fiance spent a year there back in the 70’s. He said thanks for the pictures, because it was nice to see how much thinks have changed since then.

  3. I love seeing your photos! Israel is one of the beautiful country to tour in. I wish I could travel again and see these beautiful places.

  4. Israel is a very religious place given it’s history and background. Thanks a lot for sharing this tour and I would love to learn more when I visit there some day! – Knycx Journeying

  5. I have never thought about traveling to Israel, but I would love to visit there. I just know it would be such an amazing experience.

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